Welcome to the Body Of Christ…

This site is dedicated to leading the diligently seeking into Christ…


Do you know for certain what will happen to you after you die…?

I attended church for 35 years serving as a worship leader and music director and even went to bible college for two years and yet I still didn’t have a firm scriptural base for my faith…

I believed that it was all about “Saving People” and the more you saved the better you were in God’s eyes…problem was I wasn’t good at converting people to my way of thinking…so I faithfully supported churches that I felt were on the right track.

I am a carpenter by trade and what I was seeing was, as fast as the church was adding new people they were leaving out the back door 3 to 6 months later…disappointed.

The version of christianity we were following wasn’t working…there had to be a better way.

So 6 years ago I began a personal study into finding the truth once and for all…

I started with the bible and began looking for an absolute truth that was not someone’s theory and could be only interpreted in one way…

I soon realised that all scripture had one thing in common…

Every scripture was about RELATIONSHIP. And in Fact everything is about relationship from the food we eat, the clothes we ware and the people we associate with.

I thought I had found IT until I felt the Lord ask me… “What kind of relationship…?

I figured that it had to be a LOVE relationship and at that point I realised I didn’t actually know what, Love was, let alone God’s Love…

I have been happily married for 35 years, I have one son and I would say that I was raised in a supportive family but if you had asked me what love was, exactly…

Everyone just assumes that everyone knows but if you asked 100 people you would come up with 100 vague answers… (I know because I did)

When I began searching the internet I found the same lack of good foundational teaching and as I learnt more I soon realised that Love is still seen as a mystery too difficult to understand…but nothing could be further from the truth…

This was the beginning of a 6 year, carpenters journey, into discovering what, exactly God’s Love is…

What I discovered has changed my life… small changes at first…then greater changes as I realised where I was getting it wrong… and now I’m changing the lives of my Friends…

To get it all straight I began to write it all down and put everything I had learned into a sequential order… which led to the writing of a book titled “Living The Good Life”

There IS an absolute Truth and I found ALL TRUTH flows from it…

I have broken the book into 3 parts…

Part 1  will teach you where ALL love comes from and how exactly it works…
Part 2  will teach you where you are in your current walk and what exactly happens to you when you die…
Part 3  will teach you the deeper connections to God’s Love…

The book is FREE but it doesn’t come without cost…to me.

At the beginning of Part 2, I will have a PayPal donation button and all donations will go towards getting the message of God’s love out to the world, including to our Family’s and Friends…

or as Jesus put it…Joh_15:13  “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life (has support) for his friends.”

Together we CAN change the world but we cannot do it alone…

Your brother IN Christ…
